Jazz Solo Division

To download the full (all divisions) copy of the rules, click here.

  1. Registration

1.1. All applicants must register and pay ALL FEES ON-LINE at the NTC website: www.nationaltrumpetcomp.org (online registration will open November 1, 2024). Applicants must register online using a valid credit card and ONE (only) valid e-mail address. An applicant’s recording will not be reviewed unless payment is received by the December 1, 2024 deadline.

1.2. Students enrolled full time or home schooled at the time of the Competition who are either US citizens or foreign students studying in the USA may apply.

1.3. Any applicant under the age of 18 at the time of application, must have their application submitted by a parent/legal guardian.

1.4. All applicants must submit a video recording of their competition piece. Applicants are responsible for mastering this process and for making a successful upload. Applicants are strongly urged to verify that their link functions properly prior to submitting their application. Every aspect of this part of the process is the responsibility of the applicant. Applicant videos should not contain any content or pieces beyond their competition repertoire.

1.4.1. Solos composed with or without piano accompaniment are permitted. Works that include a published piano part must be recorded with live accompaniment.

1.4.2. Stopping/starting, editing, or splicing of any kind is prohibited. Attempts to circumvent NTC’s efforts to keep the competition fair for all violates the ethics of integrity to which NTC aspires. Please submit an honest, un-edited video.

1.4.3. Videos must contain exactly and only what is to be performed in the live rounds, including any cuts. Performances are limited to 8 minutes, including stage entrance, tuning, and performing. If a video exceeds 8 minutes, the preliminary judges will listen to only the first 8 minutes of the video.

1.4.4. Recordings must be successfully submitted by 11:59:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, December 1, 2024; there will be no exceptions. Videos must be uploaded UNLISTED (not Private) to YouTube and the link to the video provided in the online NTC application. Videos not viewable by the judging panel will be disqualified.

1.4.5. Uploaded videos may NOT contain any indications of the applicant’s school or teacher affiliations. Video titles and description should contain ONLY the title and composer of the work performed, nothing more. YouTube channel names used in uploading the video submissions may contain entrants’ personal name but should NOT include a school/teacher name or affiliation. 

  1. Age Requirements (applicants must meet both parameters of age and school enrollment)

2.8. Jazz Solo Division: Open to anyone born after March 16, 1996, and enrolled full time in school or home schooled.

  1. Jazz Solo Division

7.1. Selected semifinalists will play in a live preliminary round, from which finalists will be chosen. In their application recording, applicants must include the required work All the Things You Are by Kern/Hammerstein, as well as a contrasting piece of their choice.

7.2. Semifinalists will perform both selections under a 12-minute time limitation, which will include set-up, tuning, and performance.

7.3. Finalists will play their piece of choice ONLY, and will be limited to 8 minutes on stage, which includes set-up, tuning, and performance.

7.4. Jazz Solo Division competitors must perform semi and final rounds with the rhythm section (piano/bass/drums) provided by NTC. Upon acceptance to the semi-final round, applicants must:

  1. Send a PDF of your piano/rhythm charts to NTC.
  2. Include the applicant’s name, division, phone, and e-mail legibly shown on the front page of the PDF.
  3. Send the file containing the music no later than midnight Eastern Standard Time, February 1, 2025.
  • JANUARY 15, 2025 – Notification of acceptance to the semi-final round will be posted on the NTC website. The rehearsal and competition schedule will also be posted that day. This schedule is to be considered final at the time of publication; no adjustments may be made for any reason.
  • FEBRUARY 1, 2025 – Deadline for online payment of the NTC rhythm section fee AND to send PDFs of rhythm section music to . Any competitor who has failed in either aspect of these submissions will be notified of their delinquency on February 2, 2025 and will have 48 hours to rectify the omission, with a penalty of $95. Any failure beyond that deadline will result in disqualification, at which time alternate contestants may be invited. There are NO refunds given to disqualified applicants; if an applicant pays the fee online and fails to send their music, NTC will not refund their money.

7.5. All competitors admitted to the live rounds must be available to rehearse and perform at any time for the duration of their portion of the competition. Any competitor unable to rehearse or perform at their assigned time will be disqualified. The Jazz Solo Division Semi-finals will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025 and finals on Sunday, March 16, 2025.

  1. Copyright

Applicants performing any unpublished arrangements must adhere to copyright law: All works published in the United States before 1924 are in the public domain. Works published after 1922, but before 1978 are protected for 95 years from the date of publication. If the work was created, but not published, before 1978, the copyright lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years. To learn more about copyright laws as it pertains to musicians, visit https://www.copyright.gov/engage/musicians/.

  1. Fees

9.1. Application fee for all solo and excerpt divisions is $85 per applicant.

9.2. Application fee for ensembles is $40 for each player in the ensemble.

9.3. NTC Collaborative Pianist fee is $95 per applicant.

9.4. NTC Rhythm Section fee is $95 per applicant.

  1. Prizes

Cash prizes will be awarded for First, Second and Third Place:

Jazz: $3000, $1500, $750

  1. Media Release Agreement

12.1 All applicants, through acknowledgement in their online submission, must agree to the National Trumpet Competition’s (“NTC”) Release of Photographic, Video, Motion Picture, and Sound Recording Rights to be eligible to perform in the live rounds of the competition. Through this agreement, applicants authorize NTC and its agents, employees, and representatives to take photographs, sound recordings, motion pictures, or videos including their name, image, likeness, performance, and/or voice (“Recordings”). Applicants also grant NTC an unlimited right to reproduce, use, exhibit, display, perform, broadcast, create derivative works from, and distribute Recordings in any manner or media now existing or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, throughout the world. This includes, but is not limited to, live streaming of the final rounds of competition, public archiving of all live-streamed videos on NTC’s YouTube page, use on NTC social media pages and on NTC’s website. Recordings may be used by NTC, including its assigns and transferees, for any purpose, including but not limited to, marketing, advertising, publicity, or other promotional purposes. Applicants agree that NTC will have final editorial authority over the use of the Recordings, and waive any right to inspect or approve of any future use of the Recordings. Applicants acknowledge that they are not expecting to receive compensation for participating in the Recordings or for any future use of the Recordings. Applicants release and fully discharge NTC, and its employees, agents, and representatives, from any claim, damages, or liability arising from or related to their participation in the Recordings or NTC’s future use of the Recordings.

  1. Rules Disclaimer

Final interpretation of all rules remains with the National Trumpet Competition. All applicants accept total responsibility for the understanding of and compliance with NTC rules and regulations. Failure to adhere to NTC rules and regulations will result in disqualification and forfeiture of all fees.

All questions concerning NTC rules should be submitted in writing to:

All other questions concerning NTC applications should be submitted in writing to: