Support NTC

Support NTC!

Mostly supported by the generous contributions of individuals, foundations, and corporations, NTC is indebted to countless people who have supported over 14,000 trumpeters from 42 states since 1992. Your monetary contribution of any amount can make an impact on the vibrancy of one of the leading instrumental competitions in the world and the musical lives of dozens of trumpeters each year.

NTC is a tax-deductible 501c3 Organization.


For thirty years, NTC has provided a unique opportunity for aspiring professional trumpeters to compete in a safe and supportive environment while making life-long friends and musical memories.

Become a friend of Ntc!

Teachers and mentors who recommend their students for participation frequently share how their students are inspired to reach higher musical levels and develop a variety of personal skills by collaborating with their peers and learning from our guest clinicians. The friendships forged at NTC last a lifetime and we are excited about the important role NTC will continue to play in the lives of tens of thousands of trumpeters in the future.

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